Hero Worship, part 2

I don’t think a lack of heroes is the problem. Little kids emulate the people they most want to be like and we call them heroes. It matters not that the really tall famous basketball star (or wrestler or T.V. star or whatever) is a less than stellar human being—he’s really good on the court. As a friend would tell me, “he’s got mad skills.”

I think when we get older, heroism amounts to something different. My heroes aren’t necessarily famous people or done newsworthy things. Suddenly, not their great acts, but their character is what I want to emulate.

I don’t think there’s a lack of heroes, not for adults. It’s just the criteria has grown up as we did.

So, who are my heroes? Let me tell you.

My students. Everyday they teach me something new and surprise me. They also call me to task and push me to be more than I am, even if they don’t realize it.

One of my former students. He’s in his freshman year at UT (as in Longhorns, people) this year and is one of my favorite friends. He’s amazing to talk to and gives me hope for the future. He sees the bigger picture and the things that are important, but knows how live as well.

My best friend. Because of him, I’m more than I was when we met and it’s because he pushed me to do it.

The people who hold it together after major crises and tragedies. Yes, we all falter at some point, but those people who don’t let the situation get the better of them and become those “less than stellar” individuals.

The men and women in the armed forces who give of their lives—both literally and figuratively—everyday.
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