I looked around yesterday and realized I have 6 different UFOs in my house.

Un-Finished Objects.

I crochet and embroider. In the last year, I've finished exactly 4 objects and gifted them away. For December birthdays and Christmas gifts. That's right, December...last year.

So, my goal this Christmas was simple. Learn to knit. So that I can have other UFOs lying around.

So, I did learn to knit. I found a great little CD that had pictures and live motion directions. And then I looked around and saw the UFOs. And formed a new goal.

Finish one of them. Any of them..just one of them, before I start a new one.

I picked the socks. I figure those are relatively small and should be the easiest to finish up. Then there is prayer shawl (which is 2/3 finish), 2 afghans (each of which is 1/2 finished), a set of pillow cases to embroider, and 1 of a set of pillow cases to embroider (yes, 1, the other is already on my bed and has been for 18 months, sigh.).

Plus, I learned to knit... so I imagine I'll start something with that new skill.
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1 Response to "UFOs"

  1. Morgan Mandel says:
    Jan 22, 2009, 8:28:00 PM

    What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet. Yes, it's best to be careful.

    Morgan Mandel

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