Crazy Market

I think Michael Jackson may officially be the king of crazy. I had no idea a person could get any more strange than he already is. See here.
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My counter quit working...and other shit

The counter on here. For 3 weeks, it says no one has been here. Yet...people have commented on the blog, and several friends have sent me emails about what I've written. Damn.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. In fact, it's been a month since I've had a full night's sleep. More like 3 broken up hours every night. I've tried everything I can think of to sleep and it's just not happening. I've tried drinking a cup of tea, hot baths, reading, soothing music, a stiff drink....all the stuff I usually do (not necessarily at the same time, though).
Thoughts or suggestions (or even a good whack on the head) would be wonderful.
The Wonder Dog has a new trick. He wraps himself up in a mosquito net I have hanging in my bedroom and howls. I think he's playing ghost. He's damn cute, though.
I can't stand guys that think it's cute to be sarcastic idiots and make derogatory cracks about me like they're funny. Until you know me, "jokes" at my expense will only get you ignored.
I've run out of things to say tonight. Wish this meant I was going to go sleep for 8 hours. It doesn't. Damn.
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This article was sent to me by a church friend. It's a bit discouraging.

You know, I've often complained (and argued with a principal or 2) about this very thing. I know in high school, we're so driven to pass TAKS, that we're forgetting that the ultimate goal of ANY educational institution is to produce individuals who can be self-sufficient, active members of their community, not students who can pass a test (be it because they did figure out the system or because they know the material). As far as the reading levels go in this nation, newspapers are written on a 6th grade reading level (hm..maybe 8th grade, but that seems a little high).

But, I've never applied it to what we do in church. I can certainly see how those 3 little words we hear so much in high school can be cross-applied to worship and Bible Study--"It's too hard." It certainly must be a factor in why so many don't attend church, it's simply not accessible to them at their level. And if we’re called to witness to the masses, then we must meet them at their level.

I’m not for dumbing down anything either. I just don’t think the answer to raising the intellect and coping skills of our society is to lower our expectations (that’s a teacher for ya, huh?). But, there are several accommodations we could be making.

I printed the article and used it in my debate class Friday. Granted, that class has the cream of the crop in it and they all are capable of grasping complex language. We talked about the implications of the study, then I asked them how they felt it applied to church. They agreed with what you and I said. Then, one made an interesting point—-all this is connected to Maslow’s hierarchy. The third and forth levels are love/belonging needs, and esteem needs. In a church context, if they don’t feel like they belong and can contribute, then faith and religion seem out of reach and they won’t stay. Faith and religion can be scary enough without us inadvertently excluding someone.

Okay…as I read over this before publishing it, I realize I not only crawled on my soapbox, but, also, maybe on my high-horse. Can you tell I just spent all weekend listening to and taking part in arguments on philosophy?
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Places I've Been Lately

I've been visiting lately....


Fractal Dreams

World Tour

It's a Numeric Life

Cute Overload
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Okay, I've made a decision...

I want the man I marry to be a gymnast. Or at least be able to move like one.

Just think about it.

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From the London Times

Librarians in the news again.

Stress? Shhhh...

Seems to me, the librarians mentioned in the above article have more problems than working in a dull and monotonous environment. Maybe they need to invest in some of the "beer pills" Q's wife put him on.
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Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

Emily Dickinson

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant---
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightening to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind---
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New Year's Resolutions

He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool. ~~F. M. Knowles, A Cheerful Year Book

I meant to post yesterday, but sleeping late and eating with family, as well as the traditional New Year's Day nap took precedent. Ah well, those of you who are still around, will still be here today, right?

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. Sure, there's things I should quit doing, or alter about my life, but resolving to do them in my head, even putting them on paper or saying them out loud in the presence of someone other than the Wonder Dog won't make me do them. I know this for a fact, seeing as how I made resolutions up until 2003. Did I ever keep a one of them? Well, maybe the do more Bible study one, but not the others.

Instead, you may have noticed that I added a 43 Things list to my sidebar. These are the things I want to do in my life. There's no time limit (well, the turning 30 gracefully dream kinda does have to happen in 2006, since you only turn 30 once, thank God.). Just, at some point, I want to be able to say that I'm doing, have done, or am maintaining those things. Call 'em resolutions if you want. I see them as more of a "Things to do before I die" list. It's a revolving/evolving list.

Regardless, I hope your New Year's celebrations were wonderful. If you made some resolutions, that's great! Good luck on the road to meeting them (and I don't say that sarcastically, even though it sounds like I did in my own head.).
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From Dave Barry's Blog..


I (maybe) have one of these a few weeks ago. 2 of them, actually.

I wanted to die afterwards. For the record, they absolutely DO NOT MIX with anything else, and certainly not anything spicy.

My head's hurting just thinking about it.
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There's actually TWO bewildering story lines in the following "news" article.

Pack of Angry Chihuahuas Attack Officer

First, there's whole "chihuahuas attacking officer" bit. I mean, that's just funny. I can envision the ribbing he'll get for days to come. And can't you just hear the conversation with a grandchild one day?

"Grandpa, were you ever shot at while working?" (obviously, the boy's totally in awe of the whole "grandpa was a cop" thing.)

"No, kiddo, but I was once viciously attacked."

"Really, Grandpa?? What happened???"

"Well, I had to take a boy home after he'd made some bad choices while driving. Just as we reached the door of his house, all this loud noise started up. I drew my gun, ready to meet the attacker head-on. When the door opened, out rushed FIVE attackers. I couldn't do anything to protect myself against those odds."

"Were you hurt?"

"Yes...I still have the scars. See? Right here on my ankle, you can still see the teeth marks. It was horrible I tell you, just horrible."


The other bewildering story is at the end of the article. Woman calls in 2 hours before the attack above to report that someone has broken into her home and put porn on her computer. Now, no other damage was done, nobody was hurt, nothing taken.

I can't even begin to comment anymore on this one, the words just aren't there because I just can't wrap my brain around it. Feel free to comment for me.

I can hear a friend of mine right now...."How come things like that don't ever happen to me???"
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