Pardon me whilst I get a bit catty

I think I'm supposed to be upset by this. But I just can't bring myself to do it.
Jessica Simpson ordered to be quiet

As an educator, this disturbs me.
Fired TSU president still teaching at school
Still teaching ACCOUNTING, even.

Um..this is so vastly important to things like running a city, huh?
NYC mayor backs Shakira for best video

Thank God Washington thinks this is just a diversion.
Iran president challenges Bush to debate

This just warms my librarian heart.
'Challenged' books drop to all time low

Seems to me that this is an attack on the cultural heritage. Or maybe I'm just to wired tonight.
Warsaw mermaid has chest covered for Miss World

Damn the luck.
Man shot in robbery turns from hero to prisoner

Good for them.
128 students suspended in Ind. school

Note to self: make sure my husband knows how to find the hospital.
Women gives birth while stuck in traffic
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