Tuesday Blessings

Yes, I know it's Wednesday. I actually started this last night, but I was encouraged to go to bed early, so I'm up early now and am finishing my list.

I haven't posted a Tuesday thankfulness/blessings in a few weeks. It's not that I haven't been blessed or thankful, it's more that I've been a bit more...um...occupied with life. So much so that sitting down to write wasn't much of a possibility.

1. I'm grateful for opportunities at work. These chances to earn a little more, and do a little more for my students at the same time, are giving me the chance to feel more secure financially. Something I hear not everyone is feeling right now.

2. Cool mornings. I love cool fronts. Which I know is odd, since I don't like the cold.

3. You know, I kind of see it as a blessing that I'm paying attention to the presidential race this year. Somehow, I think my grandfather is pleased that I'm paying attention. I think he might also be pleased that I'm at a loss..I don't know who to vote for (especially since I'm not canceling his vote this year!).

4. Maybe I've told you about my little dog. Do you remember him? The WonderDog? Something happened in the last month or so--he grew up. I know I've said that before, but this time I mean it. He's been....insightful. Can a dog do that?

5. I'm having a birthday this week. I'm not enjoying the idea much. I keep inserting the new age into conversation--I'm hoping it will make it easier when I really am that age. I know I'm supposed to count this as a blessing, so I'm doing that in the same vein.

For the record..I expect no gifts, but I particularly like the items at Rebound Designs. Specifically--To Kill a Mockingbird, The Wizard of Oz, The House at Pooh Corner, and Nancy Drew and The Secret at Red Gate Farm. But, please, feel no pressure. ;)

6. Augmentin. If you've taken it, you know whatI mean.

7. The cool front has pushed the clouds out of the way so that, this morning, the sky was pretty clear. At 5 a.m., it was nice to gather up the WonderDog at the end of our walk and look at the stars.

8. Hot cocoa. I traded that for the coffee this morning. Not a big deal, but it was nice to have a warm cup after the chilly star-gazing this morning.

9. I'm planning a trip to New Orleans! Yay for me!

10. Supervisors that appreciate the job I'm doing. Go figure. There are supervisors who do that. Crazy.

Visit XBoxWife for other blessing and thankfulness.
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