Aahh, Valentine's Day

I hate Valentine's Day. I always have. It's nothing personal--towards anyone, least of Valentine himself.

And, it's not because I'm bitter about not having a man. Frankly, the last time I did have a man, I got roses for Valentine's Day. My question--why'd it take a commercialized holiday to get flowers? Not that I'm expecting anything any day of the year, but that's not the point.

So, in honor of this day, I'll share 2 sites with you.

One is purely silly.

The other is a little silly, but makes a valid point.

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1 Response to "Aahh, Valentine's Day"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    Feb 16, 2006, 7:58:00 PM

    i agree with the flowers thing. pathetic that it took Walmart dedicating one third of its store to pink-and-red junk to give guys a hint. for shame.

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