It's Tuesday again...

Hm..what 10 ten things do I have to be thankful for? Well...I'm feeling like this list might be hard coming. We'll see.

1. I had a great weekend hanging out with The Man and Darling Daughter and Son. I've missed days when it's just the 4 of us.

2. I'm on Spring Break, and today, Tuesday, is only the 2nd day (not counting the weekend).

3. Phone call from the insurance company today. They're going to pay for the repairs to my car.

4. The better news about the car is that they aren't my insurance company. And the rental car (again, that they're paying for) was delivered before I walked out of the body shop.

5. Pretty toes! Got a pedicure today. Something about pretty feet and hands makes me feel prettier.

6. WonderDog and I took a nice nap this afternoon, on the couch. We then migrated to the bed for a second nap.

7. I'm going to visit my aunt and uncle Thursday. I'm actually looking forward to it. (It's the first time I'll have been to that house since my grandfather died, and the first I'll have been there in 8 and half years without my dad.)

8. WonderDog and I shared a Deluxe Breakfast from McDonald's this morning. I don't treat him or myself to that stuff very often. I had the hashbrown and the pancakes (syrup is just too messy for WonderDog) and he had the eggs and biscuit. (The picture has an english muffin, must be from up North. Us Southerners know that breakfast should have biscuits.) We shared the sausage. Mmmmm...sausuage.

9. I'm rereading Madeleine L'Engle's Many Waters. It's the continuation of the series starring the Murry family (from A Wrinkle in Time, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and A Wind in the Door.) This is probably my favorite series of all time. Okay, well that and the Little House books and the Chronicles of Narnia.

10. The new Lifehouse CD is really good. I'm glad that impulse buy worked out.

For other thankful lists, visit Ten Things Tuesday at XBox Wife.
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1 Response to "It's Tuesday again..."

  1. Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife says:
    Mar 19, 2008, 10:53:00 AM

    Awesome list! I love Madeleine L'Engle, too! I just had this discussion with my oldest child at our recent book fair. We decided that these books needed to be purchased in hardcover rather than paperback! Have a wonderful Spring Break and Happy Easter!

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