Coffee Review

I'm not an endorser--unless it's a book or a good idea. Otherwise, you'll never know if I prefer Coke or Pepsi (Coke Zero), McDonald's or Burker King (Jack in the Box, actually), Nike over Adidas (Nike, all the way), blue states vs. red states (purple, to be honest).

In fact, the only thing you'll ever know for certain is that I much prefer Dale Earnhardt, Jr. over Jeff Gordon. If I have to explain that, you obviously aren't a fan.

jumping coffee beans
jumping coffee beans,
originally uploaded by Lemon Splash Photography.

But, I'm going to step out here and endorse some coffees. Yes, coffees.

Lola Savannah Coffee Company
This is a Houston native group. I started drinking Lola Savannah coffees when I discovered the food Mecca Central Market. I love good coffee, and love to buy good beans and grind 'em myself for my little coffee pot or my espresso machine. Grinding them yourself makes for a better coffee, regardless. Good beans just make it even better.

This morning, I'm having a spiritual experience over a new find. "Lunch with Elvis." Oh my..wonderful. The name caught my eye yesterday when I was browsing the beans. Then the description.."tastes like fried bananas and peanut butter!" (If you haven't had that particular delicacy, you need to try it.) And IT DOES! Mm..a little cream, a little sugar, PERFECTION! I'm singing Elvis Songs this morning. Okay, I'm thinking Elvis songs this morning, 'cuz I won't be singing much of anything with the coffee cup to my mouth.

Equal Exchange: Fairly Traded Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate
I can't feel bad about a company that is involved in fair trading. We've been involved with this project for only a little while at church, as part of the Presbyterian Coffee Project. (If you look at Equal Exchange's website, you'll find under the "Interfaith Program" tab that there are several denominations with coffee projects. Check it out, it's a good thing.) At our alternative Christmas market, we had a booth with fair trade coffees. I picked up a bag of the whole bean "mind, body, & soul" blend.

WOW. From the website...

"Popular on both coasts and points in between. Two roasts promote the hardiness of our Mexican beans and highlight the chocolate and spice that make this coffee a connoisseur's favorite. We blend the distinct characteristics of Oaxaca and Chiapas to bring true meaning to this smooth, soft and soulful cup of black gold. Our multi-roast blend accentuates the mellow body and light acidity along with the dark chocolate finish that beans from these two states are known for producing."

I'm here to tell you that it is in fact a soulful cup of coffee. And to know that I'm doing a little good because I'm drinking it makes me feel like I've put a point on my side of the Karma tally sheet. To be honest, I've tried a few of the different blends, and while this is my favorite, they're all good. You can't go wrong here.

You won't find me endorsing Folger's. I drink that only if there is nothing else--and even then I consider whether I really, really, REALLY need that cup of coffee before I put my lips to it. I figure if I'm going to have an addiction to something, I'm gonna be addicted to the good stuff, not the cheapy stuff.
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3 Response to "Coffee Review"

  1. Rodney North says:
    Apr 7, 2008, 10:48:00 AM

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Have you tried our tea yet? We'd be glad to mail you some samples.

    ~ Rodney

  2. Kayt Ludi says:
    Apr 7, 2008, 12:02:00 PM

    Ditto the Jack In The Box (all hail the Breakfast Jack!), and ditto the Jr. vs. Pretty-Boy-Gordon stance :) The coffee sounds fabulous, but I'm more of an herbal tea girl myself. But did I see the word chocolate? I'll have to check that out! :)

  3. Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife says:
    Apr 8, 2008, 1:37:00 AM

    I had a coffee recently that tasted like blueberry cobbler with a nice buttery crust! It was divine, and I had no idea that something like that was possible.

    Almost done with my random things!

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