Woohoo--Ten Things Tuesday!

Ok..this week, I'm actually feeling thankful for a lot of things. So, I'll play again. *grin*

1. I changed The WonderDog's food 10 days ago. Apparently, what I'd been feeding him has been tearing his stomach up for oh...3 years. Now, he gets excited about me putting supper down.

2. And we've had no instances that require a gas mask! (You probably don't want to know that, TMI and all that, but you have no idea how wonderful that is.)

3. I've been reading a lot, which just feeds my soul.

4. I got some new clothes this week. Including NEW SOCKS!

5. I think I've lost some weight. The clothes definitely fit differently, in a good way.

6. I really haven't watched my television this week, and that's really a good thing. Especially since nothing good's been on.

7. My insomnia hasn''t been too bad this week. Knock on wood.

8. I'm still loving my coffee.

9. Mrs. Brownstone is a new blog pal--YAY!

10. It was quiet at work today, so I put some CDs on and sand along...loud.

11. Heading up to see my aunt and uncle this weekend. Gonna stop in and see Ms. Judy on the way.

12. My Avon order came in today--all old lady stuff, but I'm so excited it's here!

OOOOOO...LOOK! I was an over-achiever! Mark it on your calendar, it won't happen again anytime soon!!

To see what others are thankful for this week, check out Ten Things Tuesday over at XBox Wife.
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1 Response to "Woohoo--Ten Things Tuesday!"

  1. Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife says:
    Apr 12, 2008, 10:54:00 PM

    Way to go on #5 - that's so awesome!

    We are implementing #6 for this whole coming week. We gave it an early run last week, and it was met with decent success!

    Wish I could have had #7 on my list!

    Thank you so much for #9 - I feel the same way!

    Hope you'll join in again this week!

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